Les urgences dans le secteur des transports peuvent inclure des accidents de véhicules seuls ou des incidents à grande échelle dans le métro, les gares et autres plateformes de transport. Placez vos sapeurs-pompiers devant les défis offerts par la lutte incendie dans le secteur des transports en commun ou dans les véhicules eux-mêmes.
LION a conçu et propose des scénarios d'entraînement pour préparer les sapeurs-pompiers aux nombreux dangers propres à ce secteur. Proposez à vos stagiaires des scénarios réalistes qui leur permettent de déterminer les actions appropriées et de choisir une réponse sûre et efficace.

Possibilités d'entraînement

Lutte incendie dans le métro
Nos rames d'entraînement permettent de proposer un entraînement réaliste avec différentes simulations, comme un feu de siège, un feu de moteur et un feu de freinage. D'autres simulations peuvent être ajoutées pour répondre aux besoins des stagiaires.

Unité d'entraînement au feu de véhicule
L'unité d'entraînement au feu de véhicule de LION est un outil d'entraînement à la lutte incendie. Équipé de commandes intelligentes, cet accessoire ultra résistant permet de reproduire des flammes intenses et une chaleur réelle. Les multiples zones de combustion vous donnent la possibilité de créer un incendie au niveau du moteur, du compartiment passagers et des pneus ainsi que sur des flaques de carburant.

Lutte incendie dans un tunnel
Les installations d'entraînement à la lutte incendie dans un tunnel de LION incluent tous les éléments que les sapeurs-pompiers trouveraient dans des situations réelles, comme une fumée épaisse, une chaleur extrême, des espaces limités et un accès bloqué. Permet de simuler des incendies dans un tunnel, des empilements de voitures ou des accidents impliquant des matières dangereuses.

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Technologies incendie
At LION, we know that your training is only as effective as it as realistic. Help your team prepare for the worst with fire technologies that mimic real flame.
Les flammes réalistes et autogénératives réagissent aux efforts de vos stagiaires et peuvent résister à la puissance des lances à incendie. Utilisez notre technologie incendie numérique pour vous entraîner dans les zones où les feux réels ne sont pas une option.

Les incendies au propane ou au gaz naturel produisent une véritable chaleur et une vraie fumée pour créer une expérience d'entraînement très proche des conditions réelles et aussi sûre que peut l'être un environnement contenant des flammes. Configurez nos foyers à base de gaz pour reproduire quasiment n'importe quel comportement de feu.

"Thanks to [LION], we have directly cut over $1,000 annually from our contracted fire training and since we have been able to easily train staff, the system has paid for itself; given the cost of contracting out this training to the number of staff we trained ourselves."
"Why LION? I have interacted with firefighter survival equipment manufacturers for over four decades, but I haven't met any that come close to LION with their sincere and proven interest in understanding (aka LISTENING) to what we, firefighters, genuinely need. Their endless pursuit to listen to the "voices of firefighters" and then utilizing the latest proven firefighting research results in bunker gear that supports us in best taking care of those who need us, as well as each other. From their demonstrated commitment in providing us with what we genuinely need to do the job, to their full and hands on involvement (in research and fiscal support) with the battle to reduce firefighter cancer, LION isn't just words- they are proven action with impressive results."
"Recently, the Baton Rouge Fire Department accepted delivery of the ITS Xtreme fire extinguisher training prop and we have hit the ground running. We have trained over 200 people in the proper use of a fire extinguisher in approximately 6 weeks. This new technology is leaps and bounds better and more efficient than the old training method of the burn pan and carbon dioxide extinguishers. We are able to take full advantage of the ability to recharge the extinguishers onsite, thereby allowing us to reach more people effectively. This unit is exponentially easier to setup, use and maintain than previous methods."
"When you combine ease of use, quick set up and tear down time, actual training time, and SAFETY of this training system, there is nothing out there comparable."
"The customer service has been awesome! I did have a problem with one of the fire extinguishers when it was first delivered. I made one phone call and spoke with a technician who immediately sent out a brand new extinguisher. They have contacted me often to make sure that I was completely satisfied and wasn’t having any further problems. It’s not too often that you can not only get a great product, but also great service. I would highly recommend it to others."
"I have trained about 125 employees for one company, with great success. The system is very easy to set up, as well as to operate."
"Thanks to [LION], we have directly cut over $1,000 annually from our contracted fire training and since we have been able to easily train staff, the system has paid for itself; given the cost of contracting out this training to the number of staff we trained ourselves."
"Why LION? I have interacted with firefighter survival equipment manufacturers for over four decades, but I haven't met any that come close to LION with their sincere and proven interest in understanding (aka LISTENING) to what we, firefighters, genuinely need. Their endless pursuit to listen to the "voices of firefighters" and then utilizing the latest proven firefighting research results in bunker gear that supports us in best taking care of those who need us, as well as each other. From their demonstrated commitment in providing us with what we genuinely need to do the job, to their full and hands on involvement (in research and fiscal support) with the battle to reduce firefighter cancer, LION isn't just words- they are proven action with impressive results."

Billy Goldfeder | Deputy Fire Chief Loveland-Symmes Fire Department

Clint L. Sanchez | Baton Rouge Fire Department

George Ostrom | Safety Asst, AMRI Global

Denita Lynch | High Point Fire Department

Pat Patterson | President LAAP, Inc.

Dylan Hayes | Disaster Response Manager, Seattle Children’s Hospital

Billy Goldfeder | Deputy Fire Chief Loveland-Symmes Fire Department

Clint L. Sanchez | Baton Rouge Fire Department

George Ostrom | Safety Asst, AMRI Global

Denita Lynch | High Point Fire Department

Pat Patterson | President LAAP, Inc.

Dylan Hayes | Disaster Response Manager, Seattle Children’s Hospital

Billy Goldfeder | Deputy Fire Chief Loveland-Symmes Fire Department

Clint L. Sanchez | Baton Rouge Fire Department

George Ostrom | Safety Asst, AMRI Global

Denita Lynch | High Point Fire Department

Pat Patterson | President LAAP, Inc.

Dylan Hayes | Disaster Response Manager, Seattle Children’s Hospital
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