Healthcare Training Packages
Safety, reactivity, and readiness are critical in any emergency.
You are experts in health emergencies; we are specialists in fire safety training.
Did you know that you only have 3 minutes to decide what to do when a fire breaks? Are you ready to react? Do you know what to do? Where do you start?
Do you first call the fire department or grab the extinguisher right away? All those questions will pop up, and only adequate fire training will warrant a safe outcome.
An electrical shortcut in a patient room, a fire in the kitchen, or a leaking oxygen hose within a medical center. Those possible fire scenarios can easily create damages, reaching millions of euros and potentially mean human loss.
Fire safety training is not only a legal requirement but also saves lives and protects businesses.
Train your staff directly on their work location. You don't have to transfer your team to other buildings or premises with LION digital technology. You can have them follow essential training directly where they work. We have created four training packages to ensure that your staff knows how to react during the crucial first minutes, deal with fires if appropriate, and escape safely in the event of a fire. Those packages are based on different scenarios that could occur in the healthcare industry.
Protection of life, property protection, and operation continuity are the most common fire safety objectives. Being able to recognize fire hazards can help prevent fires from happening. The number of fires in the healthcare sector is increasing yearly worldwide due to the growing number of mobile devices constantly charging. Due to the lack of regular training and healthcare personnel being overly busy, people's behavior can't be predicted easily, and panic will take over. All patients can't be evacuated that easily. The best to do then is to contain the fire until the fire department arrives.
Various procedures can be trained, such as handling fire extinguishers, tactical training for first intervention teams, incidents involving hazardous materials, and evacuation exercises.
Training packages suggestions and from 9 January until 31 March 2023, a special price offer and warranty conditions. With a discount of 5% and 1 year extra of warranty, find the product’s combinations that will fit you best. For the first 20 orders, we will apply an extra discount of 5%! So don't wait too long to order!
Please note: The warranty is only applicable if the usage is in line with the user manual's prescribed.